Monday, August 24, 2015

Mixing Ability Writing Groups:

Will mixing ability groups for writing improve writing  ideas (quality) and/or improve student’s self-esteem towards writing?
I would like to find out if mixing my writing groups instead of streaming the groups will help with stimulating more ideas to those that need it.  All groups can help co-construct success criteria.  They are able to use a highlighter to mark which success criteria they have included in their writing and they can instantly see what their next step is in regards to that story. Hence they are able to tell me their next step or record this into their books.
However, I find that my 2 lower groups struggle to generate ideas and group/peer conversations (student discourse) doesn't flow as well as the more able groups.
I have started mixing my groups - in actual fact I am trialling 2 groups at a time - one of lower ability and the other of  higher ability. So I haven't mixed the individual groups as yet just joined them together (small steps for me).  This is going well so far!!! Lots of sharing of ideas. One higher ability child was in awe of a lower ability boy as he had written more than him after 3 minutes
What went well: no one was stuck for an idea when they came to write down their ideas.

Next Step: Will mix my 4 groups for real now and try it out week one Term 4... just finding taking 2 groups at a time too big. 

1 comment:

  1. This is an area I need to tackle as well. I am feeling that after our findings during the ALL intervention that the children in the class as a whole, would develop and share more ideas in mixed ability groups.
